There's another side to the on going Biden-border crisis. Christian non-profit groups are incentivizing the massive illegal immigration, with our U.S. tax dollars.
Some conservatives are calling it aiding and abetting.
"These faith based organizations are doling out large sums of money to the migrants under the guise of providing humanitarian assistance" said Jessica Vaughan, Director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies.
It's a lot of money, hundreds of millions of dollars, for the illegals, and even more for the groups that are giving it out.
"And it's really shameful that these faith based organizations are in denial" Vaughan told KTRH, "But what it really amounts to is subsidizing this illegal migration."
These groups have taken in hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars, and there were billions more to be handed out in the defeated, border security bill in the Senate.
Photo: PAUL RATJE / AFP / Getty Images