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Americans flagged as potential domestic terrorists over simple purchases

The decline of a once great America continues under the Joe Biden presidency. Nevermind the ridiculous policy decisions he has made while sitting in the Oval Office for three years. But now, his agencies are taking things a step too far. A House Oversight Committee report recently detailed that Americans who shopped at sporting goods stores, or bought religious books like a Bible, were flagged as potential domestic terrorists.

That is right, for simply making purchases in the store, you can be flagged via your bank. You do not have to buy anything remotely threatening either. You could be shopping for hiking boots, buying a backpack, or just wanting a piece of religious literary guidance.

Joy Pullman of The Federalist says that this basically applies to over half the country.

"This is not a free country if I cannot buy my kid stuff at a sporting goods store...it is ridiculous," she says. "It is like living in Russia."

But it was not just items that got flagged. The federal government also flagged as potential criminals any transactions that involved the terms 'MAGA' or 'Trump.' These Americans were tagged as possible “violent extremists” with zero due process or even notification of this criminalization.

All of these innocent people marked as domestic threats. Ironically, people who are actually on the United States terror watchlist have already filtered into the country virtually unchecked.

"At the same time this is happening, we have foreign spies, intelligence agents, and terrorists walking over our open border...while our security apparatus is focusing on mom's shopping in Cabela's for their kid's hiking boots," she says.

What is even scarier is that these agencies seem to be running amok, virtually unchecked as well by an incompetent administration.

"One of our main protections in the Constitution is to protect us from totalitarianism...Congress literally has to investigate agencies it is funding to find what is probably the tip of a very large iceberg," she says.

The solution, according to Pullman, is to give these intelligence agencies a wake-up call.

"They need to not get funding or have the personnel that can be targeted at peaceful, law-abiding Americans...unless they can get themselves into gear, and target terrorists...or trying to find people who enter our country on the list," she says.

In other words, look out the next time you need to buy something. You might end up on a list and not even know it.

Dick's Sporting Goods storefront

Photo: J. Michael Jones / iStock Editorial / Getty Images

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