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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Biden Administration offshore oil & gas development - most restrictive ever


Photo: SCOTT HEPPELL / AFP / Getty Images

The Biden administration's recently announced offshore oil & gas development program is one of the most restrictive ever. Only 3 new offshore oil and gas leases are being offered for lease in upcoming lease offerings through 2029 - despite the fact that US offshore oil production is the cleanest form of oil production in the world, and produces material volumes of domestic oil production.

Phil Flynn, author of The Energy Report calls it the Green industrial energy complex and says it will actually make the environment worse, not better.

During the 2020 Presidential campaign, Biden said he wanted to eliminate the domestic oil & gas industry - "put them out of business". now, he thinks he has found a way to advance that plan, but further frustrating oil and gas development offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. While he is at it, he wants to develop offshore wind, but those plans are going nowhere fast.

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