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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Presidential Debates May Not Happen In 2024

We just had 4 lackluster Republican debates, all without front-runner Donald Trump. But what about next year's presidential debates? Unfortunately, there's a very good chance they will not happen.

"I think we're in really serious trouble in terms of the prospects of having presidential debates" said SMU professor, Ben Voth, "This is the most serious probability that they won't happen. The public wants the debates, but there also is a frustration with how the debates are conducted."

Specifically between the RNC and the CPD (the Commission on Presidential Debates). If you recall, last year the RNC cut all ties with the CPD due to the bias that was displayed during the 2020 debates, when all of the moderators where left leaning Democrat activists.

"Neither the DNC or the RNC are absolutely committed to these debates, and certainly the RNC is forbidding their candidates from participating with the CPD" Voth told KTRH, "There's going to have to be some negotiations between the RNC and the CPD."

Meanwhile, the first presidential has already been scheduled for here in Texas, later next year.


Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP / Getty Images

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