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Tik Tokers embracement of Osama Bin Laden leads to calls of treason charges

In the last month or so, a new trend has run rampant across Tik Tok. Social media influencers, in their resplendent ignorance, have decided to share a letter from Osama Bin Laden written after September 11th, which criticizes America. Many of them, who believe they have more world impact than they do, have said they will 'never look at America the same again.'

Their simple lack of intelligence has prompted calls from people to charge them with treason. It may seem like a drastic step, but when you consider their willful support of a national enemy, it makes more and more sense. Of course, the argument from the influencers is free speech, as it always tends to be. Probably because that is the only amendment they know of the Constitution.

Writer Andrea Widburg says these influencers should face treason charges, as they have created an enemy of America from within.

"The treason laws are embedded in the Constitution because the Founding Fathers understood the First Amendment must give way to the priority of keeping the enemy outside of the nation, and not within it," she says.

Now, the world of social media influencers is not a particularly intelligent bunch. I mean, if they do not gain followers from sexual content, they gain it from preaching a politically correct world with entirely incorrect information. Some even give up on schooling to pursue this influencer dream.

So, the idea you will get any deep thought from them is wishful thinking. They are simply trend setters looking for any source of click bait they can find for attention.

"It is a very ugly blend of leftism and Islam, both of which believe in complete state power," she says.

It is not a far cry to argue that these supporters of the 'Bin Laden manifesto' we will call it are anti-Semitic. All from an ideology that preaches loving everyone, and being open-minded.

They have now created a battle to try and protect the Western world.

"We are seeing a war to erase the West entirely...we have, thanks to social media and 60 years of Marxism in American education...a fifth column that is almost 50 percent of the country," she says.

But as is the usual story with the Left, they will encourage this pursuance of ignorance.

"It is not about best policy...it is about good and evil, and that Democrats are good, Republicans are evil," says Widburg. "They will always be able to excuse the antisemitic, and anti-Americanism in their own party...which saddens me beyond all measure."


Photo: AFP

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