Local Democrats are touting the success of last weeks elections here in Houston, but are we really out of the woods when it comes to 'election integrity'?
According to longtime local investigator Wayne Dolcefino, the short answer is, no.
"The elected County Clerk, Teneshia Hudspeth did a much better job, but they haven't fixed the rest of the problem" Dolcefino said, "The rest of the problem is, there are dead people who are asking for absentee ballots. We've got to stop that."
Dead people voting, along with the other discovery that was made. Did you know that there are 66 'ghost precincts' in Harris County? Precincts that benefit Democrats, even though nobody votes.
"There are felons who are registered voters, and there are hundreds, maybe thousands that are still on the voter rolls" Dolcefino told KTRH, "All of that has to be cleaned up before the presidential election and the next county election."
Houston still has a problem with election integrity.
Photo: Kameleon007 / iStock / Getty Images