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Iran Threatens "Wider War" in Middle East as Biden White House Scrambles

While the Biden administration tiptoes around Iran's involvement in the Hamas terror attacks against Israel, the terror state's foreign minister warns a ground assault in Gaza could trigger a "wider war" in the Middle East.

Biden is considering a trip to Israel in the coming days but no travel has been finalized.

Despite what the White House says about the Hamas attacks, Fox News contributor Sara Carter believes Iran's fingerprints are all over this.

"This is something we've seen in Afghanistan, where Iran has been very involved with the Taliban and using the Taliban as a proxy. We've seen it in Iraq. The same issue. This is all part of their strategy," Carter said during Saturday's "The Big Weekend Show."

"I think Iran knew from the get go how weak President Biden was. They planned this for more than two years. This was a strategy on their part to use Hamas as a proxy. We don't know what the second phase for Iran will be."

What that long term strategy is, only Iran really knows.

"The Iranians think ahead and the Iranians are expecting this ground assault. My question is what can Iran do to escalate this further? And how will Iran escalate this further to draw us in and the rest of the world?" Carter asked.

The White House says it is working feverishly to avoid a spread of the war.


Photo: HOSSEIN BERIS / AFP / Getty Images

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