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Smithsonian's Latino Exhibit Example of Left's Stronghold on Institutions

The Left's hold on American Institutions runs deep, though some conservatives are starting to fight back.

Freedom Caucus Republicans continue to demand congressional budget cuts, some of which are meant to defund the left's hold on everything from politics to college campuses, even museums.

The Heritage Foundation's Mike Gonzalez argues the Marxist takeover when post-hippie militants became college professors in the 80s.

"Critical Race Theory is created in 1989 out of Critical Legal Studies. So a lot of things are happening in 80s in the academy, because a lot of the kids who grew up in the 60s at the universities, realized being a professor was a way to achieve the revolutionary means," he says.

"That was the Left being very keen on taking over museums and the academy, and all that. Places where sense is made. Places where meaning is made. And conservatives being behind the eight ball and approving these moves because they really didn't understand what was happening."

Gonzalez points to the Smithsonian's Latino exhibit, which spreads the woke agenda using taxpayer dollars. He says defunding programs for the arts would go a long way toward dismantling the propaganda.

Campaign finance reports from the 2020 election show a clear bias by those who live and work around our nation's capital.

"The city of Washington, D.C., where many of the bureaucrats live, voted for Biden and almost a 93% clip," says Gonzalez. "And the surrounding suburbs, which are also very blue, is also where the permanent state lives."

Map stand by entrance to Smithsonian Institution

Photo: Jupiterimages / PHOTOS.com>> / Getty Images

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