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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Bidenomics: Controlling Inflation by Making Us Poorer

Rather than acknowledge the greatest political corruption case in our lifetime, the White House, along with their partners in the mainstream media, continue to boast about 'Bidenomics'.

But is it really working? Yes, but not for the same goal.

"This administration is driven by far left ideologues, who believe in government control of the economy" said economist and FOX News contributor, Elizabeth Ames, "And that's really their end game, to create an economy like Europe's. my co-author Steve Forbes calls is modern socialism, where basically government is in every sector of your life."

Simply put, the Biden administration believes that if Americans are poorer, they won't be able to spend, and prices will come down.

"I think Biden believes if you say something enough, some people will start to believe it" Ames told KTRH, "But I think that when they get their bills at the end of the month, they'll realize the truth. The average family of four is paying something like, more than a thousand dollars per month more, to purchase the same goods as they did in January of 2021."

Elizabeth Ames book that she co-wrote with Steve Forbes is titled: 'Inflation: What it is, Why It's Bad and How to Fix It, available on Amazon.

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Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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