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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Everything You Need to Know About Living Overseas

Ever thought of taking a walk on the wild side of residential living, as in moving overseas to reside somewhere? If you could live anywhere on planet Earth, where would you go?

Jim Kellett, producer and director for Living Overseas TV, a You Tube Channel centered on retiring overseas, calls KTRH News from Bangkok, which he cites as a great hub for traveling all around SE Asia. He says most ex-pats stay closer to home, and suggests Mexico is a likely choice for a Texan. He lived in Puerto Vallarta for six months, and says before moving there had heard the same things most people do, a caution against crime. “When I got down there, I found that there are dangerous places, just like there are dangerous places in the U.S., but the chances of running into a drug cartel member in Puerto Vallarta is unlikely. I didn’t see once incident of crime at all, and I can’t say that when I go back to the United States. I see a lot more crime in the United States than I saw in Mexico.” He says it’s a lot safer than it’s reputation, and living in Mexico is an easy place to go started and try something new. Be bold. Live big. Make memories. The biggest consideration is having access to your extended family, as visits can become costly. But if you have the freedom, you have options.

Kellett calls residing in another country “traveling slowly.” Kellett says if your only interest in living outside the US is to live cheaper, it might not be your best choice. If you want change and adventure and experience, the world is your oyster. Thailand is filled with Europeans and Americans. Bali is one of his favorite places. The cost of living in Costa Rica is about the same as any Midwest state, with a couple oceanfront’s and mountains in between. Go for a visit, stay for a lifetime.

For everything you want to know about living in another country, check out Living Overseas TV.

photo: Getty Images

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