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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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W-T-F? Corporate America Is Canceling Mother's Day?

The radical 'woke' left is at again. As if doing away with Christmas wasn't bad enough, some big leftist corporations are now trying to cancel Mother's Day.

"They're asking people if they want to opt out of Mother's Day messages" said Robin Itzler, writer for American Thinker, "And I'm sure we're going to see it for Father's Day, we will probably see it for Christmas. We are getting to the point where people cannot handle anything that is outside their little world."

For the left, it's a world that no longer has the traditional 'nuclear' family. These woke companies are sending customers messages via text and email, making it sound sympathetic, if they want to 'opt out' from Mother's Day. But the true motive, is obvious.

"The whole idea of the nuclear family doesn't exist anymore on the left" Itzler told KTRH, "The right, it still exists and we still promote it, we still believe in it. But to the left, the government is your parent, and this is exactly what they do in communist countries also."

She says what conservative Americans need to do, is make pride month coming up, about the red, white, and blue.

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