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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Debt Ceiling: GOP Lawmakers Have Proposed 500 Bills To Cut Spending

House Republicans are calling out the Biden administration for refusing to negotiate on the debt ceiling. And they don't want to just talk. The GOP has proposed over 500 bills! That would cut more than a trillion dollars of wasteful spending.

"Republicans understand that this country cannot continue down the path it has been on" said economist EJ Antoni, with the Heritage Foundation, "We can't continue to spend ourselves into the ground. And amazingly, despite all of those bills to cut spending, the other side has no intention to cut it whatsoever. They want to grow it."

If they don't reduce the spending, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy says there will be "dire ramifications" for the U.S.

"The Democrats, unfortunately want to continue growing entitlements, and growing the welfare state" Antoni told KTRH, "And it looks like Republicans are finally waking up to the fact that those things are all unsustainable, and they need to be cut."

Last week, the White House rejected a GOP request to resume talks.

Debt Ceiling Green Road Sign

Photo: Getty Images

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