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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Congressman Mike McCaul Votes to Support Parental Rights

Firday, U.S. House Republicans approved a measure giving parents a voice in what is taught in public schools. The vote was 213-208, five Republicans voting against it. Houston area Congressman Mike McCaul was a yes.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said the GOP is "keeping our promise, our commitment to America, that parents will have a say in their kids’ education.”

I don’t love going down this road,” Texas Congressman Chip Roy said, suggesting the issue should be left to states, "but as long as we’re going to have the federal government inserting itself ... at a bare minimum, shouldn’t we ensure that parents have the ability to see what’s in the curriculum?”

The bill isn't expected to have any traction when it hits the U.S> Senate. "The House Republicans' school control bill is Orwellian to the core," says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. "It will not see the light of day here in the Senate."

This is McCaul's press release issued Friday:

Today, U.S. Congressman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) voted for H.R. 5, the “Parents Bill of Rights Act,” which he also cosponsored. The Parents’ Bill of Rights ensures parents are told what their children are being taught; have the opportunity to speak to their children’s teachers; can protect their children’s privacy; and can keep their children safe. It also promotes transparency by ensuring parents can see school budgets and spending. The legislation passed the House 213 to 208.

 “As a father of five children, I can tell you from first-hand experience that parents are their children’s first and best educators. Unfortunately, as we saw during the pandemic, the Biden administration has too often bowed to the demands of big labor and special interests, while shutting parents out of the conversation. And when parents are silenced, children’s education suffers. I’m proud to help pass this important legislation to ensure parents have a prominent voice in determining what their kids are being taught.”

photo: Getty Images

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