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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Rice University Study: Trump Policies Cut Illegal Immigration, Biden? No

As the on-going crisis at the border continues, now even the left and the mainstream media are being forced to report the truth.

A new study from liberal Rice University, found that the border policies under former president Donald Trump deterred illegal immigration, while the new policies under Joe Biden (along with not enforcing current laws that were passed by congress) have led to record inflows of illegal immigrants.

"This study out from Rice University proves what we have already seen with our own eyes, and experienced at the border" said Jessica Vaughan, Director of Policy at the Center For Immigration Studies, "Which is that, it is possible to control the border."

That is, unless you want the border to be wide open, which the Biden administration has demonstrated for more than two years now.

"The scale of illegal migration is getting worse and worse every month, and so it's hard not to conclude that the Biden administration is deliberately allowing illegal migration" Vaughan told KTRH, "That's the only conclusion we can draw, because this has been going on for two years."

And it has increased the number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. to more that 15 million, while costing U.S. taxpayers more than $150 billion annually. That breaks down to nearly $1,200 a year for every individual U.S. taxpayer.


Photo: Getty Images

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