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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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The GOP Balances Investigating The Biden's, While Managing Firebrands

It's a busy time for House Republicans, with multiple investigations and hearings going on. And leading the way is the GOP Oversight Chairman, James Comer, who has a couple of key things going on.

Comer is tasked with investigating the Biden family dealings, while also managing what the left refers to as 'Republican firebrands'.

"To me, he is not a lightning rod like some other people" said Steve Munisteri, the 3-time Chair of the Republican Party of Texas, "At the end of the day, it's the information that's developed that comes out, not necessarily how it came out. But the facts are the facts, and the important point is we need the information."

Comer appears to be the right man for the job, to get that information. He's been in political office for decades, and has even worked well with Democrats in the past.

But what about managing those Republican rock stars?

"I know there's a lot of talk about, well maybe certain congressmen would seek the limelight" Munisteri told KTRH, "But don't most public officials and elected officials seek the limelight? So at the end of the day, the key is what information is developed, and what does it tell us."

In the meantime, James Comer has a lot to do, and not a lot of time to do it.

House Oversight Committee Examines Free Speech In Social Media

Photo: Getty Images

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