Election integrity has been a recurring issue in recent years, but new research shows it may be worse and more widespread than we thought. Researcher and technology expert Jay Valentine lays out the findings of a deep dive his team took into the voter rolls of cities and states across the country. His conclusion: "U.S. elections are rigged by both parties, and they are rigged with the active help of election officials or their acquiescence."
Valentine and his team at Omega4America.com use advanced technology to scan the voter rolls from states, cities and counties and cross-check the information against other existing public data, like property tax records. "You have tens of thousands of people who cannot possibly be voting from an address, because the address is a bank, or a 7-11, or a UPS box," he tells KTRH.
"It's not a matter of opinion anymore," he continues. "With fractal technology, it's black and white now...these people are in the voter roll, and they either do not exist or they do not exist at this location."
The research also revealed interesting trends across various locations. "They build up the voter rolls right around election time, and these people who are mostly phantoms---they don't really exist---get voted, and then within about 90 days after the election these people tend to fall off the voter rolls," says Valentine.
Getting this data wasn't easy, either. Valentine explains that many states disguise the voter roll information electronically, or charge exorbitant amounts to access it. "They don't want you to see the voter rolls...they want you to go away," he says.
While the research finds voter fraud in nearly every jurisdiction, some are notably worse than others. "In Nevada, we found massive amounts of fake people, fake addresses, etc. on the rolls," says Valentine. "The only other part of the country that we have found anything equal to Nevada, is Harris County, Texas."
That revelation is not surprising, considering last year's election irregularities in Harris County have prompted formal challenges and new legislation filed in Austin. "In the whole Houston area, the amount of built-in, inherent, phantom election fraud is probably the highest of anything we've seen anywhere in America," say Valentine.