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Democrats' Trojan Horse Is Taking On A Life Of Its Own

As pointed out in a recent post on American Thinker, Joe Biden was brought in as a democrat 'trojan horse' for the radical left. He was the anti-Trump, and the perfect cover the progressive's radical agenda.

But now the Dems have a dilemma. They are ready to move on from Biden, as they seek to keep control in 2024, but somebody forgot to give the 'Big Guy' the right email.

"It's an excellent way of putting it" said writer Monica Showalter, who is also with American Thinker, "They had to have somebody, they had to put out Biden as the trojan horse. Of course, Biden who was just a weather vane most of his career, ended up adopting fully the wokester agenda."

According to a new AP poll, only 37% of Democrats want Biden to run again, while only 22% of Americans overall, want him out there in 2024.

"I get a sense there's a faction that's trying to pull out all stops behind Joe Biden, but there's also other factions that really don't want him" Showalter told KTRH, "I think the Democrats will definitely fall into some kind of civil war over this, because it's just going to be really hard for them to mobilize for Biden. He's just so unattractive."

After much criticism over his performance during the State of The Union Address, Biden is now expected to announce his reelection bid in either March, or April.

Democrat Donkey Blue, Too

Photo: Getty Images

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