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How George Soros Co-Opts The Media And Keeps Criticism Down

We've heard a lot over the last few years about how billionaire George Soros has bankrolled the Democrats soft on crime policies, with corrupt DA's and judges. But there's another area where Soros has global influence, and that is with the media.

It's a truly dark web that author Mark Palumbo uncovers in detail, in his book, "The Man Behind The Curtain: Inside The Secret Network Of George Soros".

"In the book I document any media organizations that can be connected to Soros" Palumbo said during an interview with KTRH, "And when you go through the list, it might have been more efficient if I just made a list of who wasn't on it. It's people like CNN, the New York Times, ABC, CBS, if you want to see how his money influences media and how it impacts coverage."

Since 2016, when Donald Trump took office, Soros has shelled out more than $131 million dollars, to 253 different media outlets. Safe to say, he didn't give that money without expecting anything in return.

So what is the Soros end game? Is it Utopia? Socialism? A U.S.A. without a founding or a creator?

"Ultimately, I think it's all about himself" noted Palumbo, "I think his policies, we know he's funding all of these corrupt DA's across the nation that are not really enforcing the law. The simplest answer is just that he's an evil guy. I mean how else do you explain it?"

There is no explanation, or justification. Soros is simply push the left's radical agenda, and he's doing so without any push-back from the mainstream media, who as Palumbo points out are not journalists. They are simply DNC activists. Well paid, DNC activists.


Photo: Getty Images

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