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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Election Day: Crime Is One Of The Top Issues For Voters In Houston

When it comes to these 2022 midterm elections, it's the economy stupid! But don't forget about crime! Especially the record high, violent crime right here in Houston. All part of the left's plan to defund the police, and exalt violent criminals.

But on election day, after 4 long years, the voters will finally get to have their say.

"We are in a situation in Harris County, where all of our criminal court judges are Democrats" said Holly Hansen, reporter with The Texan, "This is due to the election wave in 2018, and then 2020 as well. The only Republican criminal court judge in Harris County, is one who was appointed by Governor Abbott."

This time around however, local judges and the 68 judicial issues! Will not be an afterthought.

"I've been doing this for thirty-some odd years" said Andy Kahan with Crime Stoppers, "And this is the first time I've actually seen an increased emphasis on judicial races. It used to be, judicial races were an afterthought, and one of the reasons you're seeing it, is obviously because of the increase in crime rates."

A massive increase in crime rates, despite claims to the contrary that were made recently by Harris County officials.

"You can manipulate, or you can use statistics any way you want" Kahan told KTRH, "You just can't keep releasing people on low bonds, and PR bonds. So, whatever the results are going to be, I think the public in Harris County is going benefit, one way or the other."

Election day is today.

Two police officers behind crime scene tape

Photo: Getty Images

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