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Here’s How Big Tech Plans To Rig The 2022 Midterms

As we get closer to the November midterm elections, the Big Tech companies have already announced their plans to do their part to help out, just like they did in 2020.

Under the guise of 'election security', and stopping 'misinformation', big tech is ready to once again censor and control the news flow.

"You hear them talk about misinformation and election security interchangeably" said Brian Bradley, with the Media Research Center, "Mixing it with their initiatives to protect the 2022 midterms, which is really just code word for censorship, and suppressing views that they don't like."

Which is exactly what happened in 2020, when big tech colluded with their partners in the media to silence the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, something they are still doing today to protect the Democrats.

"Big Tech does control the information that gets out there" Bradley told KTRH, "We've seen them censor what they deem to be election misinformation content. They're manipulating social media, and they do it on both sides, they do it through the propaganda they spread, and they do it through the censorship that they engage in, so I think we can expect both of those in advance of the 2022 midterms."

Ironically, leading the way with their plans to have an 'Elections Center' was Chinese-owned Tik Tok, the most popular social media network in the U.S. right now.

"You've got Tik Tok having it's elections misinformation center, and then about a week later, all 3 of the major big tech companies come out with their own election misinformation centers" noted Bradley, "It's unreal, you have China leading the charge on election related misinformation in the United States."

It's also worth noting, Facebook is planning to bring back their group of 11 'fact-checkers', one of which is funded by Tik Tok and the DNC! And as an added bonus, if you want to continue to bring up the left's 4 year fantasy of Trump and Russia, you can do so freely, without any pushback or warning.

So much for fact checking.

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Photo: Getty Images

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