KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Gas will soon be Over $5 a gallon - but People are still Buying up Cars!

Soaring prices at the pump, new car prices 12% higher than last year --- and used car prices are 16% higher...and still drivers are creating more demand than the supply can handle. Classic Chevrolet Sales VP Frank Rios says he sees it every day - especially for certain models. Plus used cars are 16% more expensive this year than last year. From what he's seeing at his dealership, gives 3 reasons why.:

  1. These people have a gas guzzler or they are driving a vehicle that is bigger than their needs...
  2. 4-Cylinder trucks are in great demand because of the steadily rising cost of gasoline.
  3. We're seeing higher invoice prices from a manufacturer every day!

Why so much for used cars? Rios: "People want their cars and they want them NOW. The fastest way to get a car now can be buying a pre-owned vehicle. Otherwise, they would have to order a car and that takes time. So, this alone is driving up the demand, and then the price, of used cars."

He sees the demand grow every day - especially with certain vehicles. "There's a lot of demand for smaller, more economical cars which are not as expensive as the $47,000 national average for a new car. Rios says that includes the demand for 4 cylinder trucks. And then he says there are supply chain issues adding to those growing prices.


Sea Of Cars

Expensive gas. Expensive cars. People still buying!Photo: Getty Images

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