For the last 16 months, the Democrats have cried out about the so-called 'insurrection', and how it's the worst thing that has ever happened.
Now, with Roe vs. Wade not expected to go their way, they are calling for their own insurrection.
"We always here the left and their media allies attacking conservatives, and Republicans, over issues of insurrection or violence" said Paul Krause, who wrote about the left's latest hypocrisy in American Thinker, "Yet whenever they're engaged in the actual defacing of American cities, then apparently it's not insurrection because it's in the name of Democracy."
Sadly, while the left has spent the last decade saying how bad our country is, they have taken their gaslighting to a whole new level, by lumping anyone who loves America as a Trump supporting racist, and white supremacist.
"The entire process of delegitimizing the country really is a form of soft insurrection" Krause told KTRH, "It destroys our legitimacy in the rule of law, our institutions, and when people lose faith in that legitimacy, then it's open game."
And that's where we are right now. The Biden presidency thus far has been the worst in the history of our nation, and rather than try and change the bad policies that have put us here, the Democrats are content with name calling, race baiting, and sadly, calling for violence.
"They really have nothing to run on, there's no positives that they can take away over the last two years" noted Krause, "You scare enough people into thinking that the other side is this great evil Boogey-man, so you should vote for us instead. That's really the position that they are in."
And soon after the Supreme Court releases their decision, it's a position that we are all going to be in.