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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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All airlines lose our luggage - but which is the worst?!?!

According to the Department of Transportation it's American Airlines --- mishandling about 8 bags per thousand they transport ---which uses DFW airport the most. Aviation expert Josh Verde speculates. "DFW Airport: Its layout it a bit unique. It may be that some of this airport's facilities create some unique challenges when it comes to baggage handling." Verde says it's unavoidable so be prepared. "If it's an important item - like prescription medication, electronics, valuables - do NOT put it in your checked luggage. Put it in your carry-on bag and DO NOT let it out of your sight!"

Airlines MAY begin refunding Baggage Fees

Airlines lose passengers' luggage every day and Verde says there's a range of reasons for your bags to be misplaced. "A suitcase falling off of a cart; you making your connection but your baggage does not, or it could be routing issues." He also says to check your airline's website for their lost or damaged luggage policies.

Tips to help you keep your luggage and/or get your lost luggage back more quickly.

1. Passengers cans help to better their chances of their bags arriving by making sure they check in at the airport in sufficient time.

2. Passengers also need to make sure they have a bag tag for each piece of checked luggage. There are times bags can be miscounted and a bag at the counter ends up with no tag.

3. The other recommendation is to make sure there is a form of identification on the bag. This is very important if the bag tags are torn off and agents try to determine where the bag needs to go.

4. The final recommendation is to place a copy of the itinerary inside the bag, just before closing it.

We reached out to American Airlines and did not receive a response by deadline..

photo: GettyImages

Suitcase with lost sticker on an airport baggage conveyor or baggage claim transporter.

Nothing worse than not having your baggage when you reach your destination!Photo: Getty Images

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