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The 6 Tragic Errors The Biden Administration Made With Russia And Ukraine

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine now in it's 2nd month, the criticism of the U.S. handling of Russia continues as well.

"If anyone manufactured this crisis, it was Barack Obama looking the other way in the Crimea" said economist and political writer Peter Morici, "The Ukraine had a security commitment from the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom when it gave up it's nuclear weapons. The history of the last month would be radically different if they had not done so."

Writing for MarketWatch, Morici notes the six tragic errors the U.S. made that permitted Russia's war on Ukraine.


It started under Obama, turned the other way under Trump, and has now reverted to soft sanctions under the Biden administration.

"Both Putin and Xi are running terrorists regimes, and we continue to appease them" Morici told KTRH, "This is the politics of appeasement, and it's deeply embedded in the American bureaucracy. Lloyd Austin and Antony Blinken should really be re-christened as the secretaries of weakness, and appeasement."

In yet another blunder, Joe Biden sternly announced that sanctions don't work, just days after V.P. Kamala Harris lauded about how well sanctions will deter Russia.

"We think the Russians and Chinese will respond to incentives the way we do, and they won't, they think differently" Morici said, "We offer them the opportunity for free markets hoping that would transition their economies to be more sympathetic towards our system, and instead they just used it to build up their militaries and threaten us."

Sadly, with over two years to go until the next presidential election, Morici says things are going to get worse before they get better.

"It would be a kindness to label the president senile, because it would give him an excuse for committing the tragedy that is going on right now" Morici said, "The absence of a low fly zone over the Ukraine will be marked by historians as the day Joe Biden turn tail on democracy and freedom in Europe."

US-Russia Summit 2021 In Geneva

Photo: Getty Images

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