KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

KTRH-AM covering local news from Houston and across Texas.


More Americans Are Fleeing To Places Where Political Views Match Their Own

It started in 2020, and it is still going strong today. No, not the pandemic. People are moving in droves to places where the political views match their own.

"This sorting out is occurring all over the country, people are going to Texas, Tennessee, and Florida" said Chuck DeVore from the Texas Public Policy Foundation, "I think the bigger theme is where people are leaving from, that's even a bigger issue. People are fleeing places like California and New York and going elsewhere, frequently to Texas or to Florida."

The reasons are now pretty clear to everybody, no matter what side of the divide you are on. Conservatives want to live in 'red' states, while liberals want to be in 'blue' states.

"If the people of California want to have a state with all those rules and regulations, then that's up to them to do it" DeVore told KTRH, "They just need to expect that some people are going to leave and go to places like Texas, and what we need to do is make sure that Texas can be Texas."

That is where our Federalism comes into play. Life in Texas is one way, while life in California is just the opposite.

"People are leaving blue states because the governance in those places doesn't work for a lot of people" DeVore said, "When you clamp down on freedom, and your ability to earn a living, it stands to reason that people are going to react against that and go to where they have opportunity."

It's worth nothing, while the majority of movement has been out of blue states to red states, there has been cases of people leaving smaller red states, to go to big blue cities like Austin.

"What you're seeing all over the country, and this is not a new phenomenon, is that major urban areas are increasingly liberal" DeVore said, "They're expensive, and this is not just unique to Austin, or Dallas, or Houston. This is a national phenomenon with our major urban areas."

And it's a trend that is only going to continue to grow, as our nation becomes more divided.

Houston map

Photo: Getty Images

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