U S Cambridge and Harvard studied supplements and found 40% didn't contain the ingredients listed on the label. Health and Longevity expert Lauriston Crockett (III) explains what some suppliers do. "They can buy cheaply in China and bring it over here and just re-bottle it!. People ask me, 'doesn't the FDA regulate this?' --- NO - they don't!" He says some B-12 pills are made with hydrogen cyanide - which also goes into chemical weapons. He says he has a better idea. "We should be getting our NATURAL vitamins we need for good health from our food sources by eating a balanced diet!"
Those U S researchers were examining sports supplements bought online, finding the FDA inspections found that supplement manufacturers "often fail to comply with basic manufacturing standards, such as establishing the identity, purity, or composition of the final product." Crockett saying here's why..." Because all the sourcing comes out of China in Bulk Form. As long as you bottle them in America, you can label them 'MADE IN THE USA!' "
They found that only 11 percent of them were accurately labeled, and 5 of them contained ingredients the FDA prohibits! Crockett says it means with store bought supplements, you really don't know what you're ingesting - and that eating a balanced diet is always the best way to go.
Click here for a link to Crockett's book about the importance of peptides.
Supplements from the shelf may not contain what you really want!Photo: Tanja Ivanova / Moment / Getty Images