Even with Inflation Problems - We're still Too Lazy to use our Gift Cards!

Ted Rossman with Bankrate says it's a common practice. "About half of Americans have unused gift cards." Rossman says go through your purse, junk drawer coat pockets..."Especially at a time when everything seems to cost more --- you might as well take advantage of this money!" He says his study found out half of Americans have unused valid gift cards lying around - especially millennials and GenZ-ers. "In terms of the frequency of unused gift cards - it is most common among young adults! Boomers are doing the best at using them --- so we should take a lesson there. Maybe the best advice is, 'Just Use It!'

Inflation and High Gas Prices are Changing our Habits!

Rossman says if you have enough stuff already, don't want a free meal or movie - buy a gift. It's free money! Most don't have an expiration date. You could always sell them online!

And again, Rossman reminds you: It's a great way to fight inflation!


Wide range of gift card ideas for many demographics

Half of Americans have unused Gift Cards!Photo: joingate / iStock / Getty Images

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