Chairman of the event Russell Molina tells how they started in 1823. "Stephen F. Austin hired 10 men - paid them himself - for them to protect the original 300 families that had moved to at-that-time Mexican Texas." And why they are so important to the state now. "They have the skill sets that they can provide to rural Texas to help them go through violent crime scenes. A sheriff or local Police Department doesn't have the hundreds of hours of training to lead that kind of investigation!"
So, since 1823 we have had the Texas Rangers. Molina says the celebration starts today in Houston with Ranger and DPS Day at the Department of Public Safety Building on West Road...where you can learn a lot what makes up the Texas Rangers.
"There a Cold Case Division, a Special Response Team, Crisis Negotiation Teams, of course the Border Security Operations going on, as well as a Public Integrity Unit." The Texas Rangers are currently a part of the investigation of the multiple murders that happened recently in Cleveland, Texas.
About the Event : The week's celebration will include recruiting, fund raising for a memorial and a traveling museum. Molina says one goal is to recruit peace officers for the Texas Rangers as well as DPS, Police and others.
It winds up with a Gala on Friday and a clay shoot on Saturday.
For specific details, click here.
Texas Rangers are 200 Years Old!Photo: Getty Images