Fewer and fewer people are graduating from skilled labor schools and it's causing mayhem in the home improvement and new home market. Higher demand for home improvements and new homes with fewer skilled trades people is causing havoc in repairs and construction. Mike Dishberger of Sandpiper homes:
"We're seeing a big shorter - especially in the skilled trades. My plumber is constantly looking for people to get into the industry - even at the apprentice level." Dishberger says prices are higher and wait times are longer. "Builders like to build fast. When there are shortages in labor like now - your work can be delayed days and even weeks!" Renovation is taking over twice as long as it did just last year - up to 79 days!
Fewer and fewer people are graduating from skilled labor schools and it's causing mayhem in the home improvement and new home market. President of the Greater Houston Home Builders Association Mike Dishberger says it's a double edged sword. "It affects how long it takes to build a home [or make major renovations] and the price of the home [or project] because the cost of the labor goes up because of the shortage of them!"
Dishberger says it's hitting a lot of areas. "My electricians are saying the same thing. They're having real difficulties. For a variety of reasons people are not just getting into the electronics trades especially."
Area community colleges teach general construction trades where workers hourly fees are up 42% over last year from 35 to 49 dollars.
Electricians in high demandPhoto: Getty Images