Inflation, lost income during the Covid Lockdown and now this Arctic freeze will put some families over the edge. Major Rob Webb of the Houston Area Salvation Army says their services are needed more than ever. "With the coming extremely cold weather, we will be taking more folks in at our Warming Stations and Family Shelter."
'Tis the season to be donating - but for many giving Americans, budgets are tight this year. Most area charities are already seeing significantly lower donations like the Salvation Army. Major Rob saying even if you have little to give --- you can still help. "This year the need is greater than ever. The great thing about donating into a Salvation Army Kettle is even the smallest donation can make a significant impact."
The same inflation and donors losing income is hitting Houston area charities hard. "We're about 20% behind where we were last year at this time." Charities are asking for your help, either financially, or with your time, to help those falling behind during this economic downturn.
Major Rob encourages you to open your heart and wallet to groups like his that are struggling to help those in the area who are also struggling.
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