Dr. Demian Gomez of the Texas A&M Forest Service says there are 2 adverse effects: (1) "Conditions of lack of water will ultimately affect the way trees grow --- (2) and also how the trees will defend themselves." And he says it makes them easy targets for insects. "Certain compounds that are going to be very attractive for certain insects that affect that kind of tree" Dr. Gomez says established trees over 3 years old should not need additional watering, but see a Certified Arborist if you see more insects on them than you saw last year.
He continues to say you should continue to water them into next year. "Not only about what has happened in these recent months, those conditions that are affecting t your trees now will continue to affect your trees well into text year." Dr. Gomez says other long-term effects of the drought and the freeze earlier this year could add to your trees' stress. Look for signs of disease and excessive insects - especially on younger trees - and call a Certified Arborist.
Leaf from a sick treeFoto: Getty Images