RVs and campers have always been popular in Texas --- but more demand coming from the post-Covid Lockdown travel frenzy is forcing RV manufacturers to build more of them than any year before! Demand is high for RV ownership. Sales Manager of Demontrond RVs in Spring Larry Kerbow says many of their customers are actually living in their *RV. "People who have decided to go the RV lifestyle want to check out. "They're tired of paying taxes on their property. They're tired of taking care of their homes. With their jobs now, like most people, they can work from 'home' --- or from ANYWHERE!"
Kerbow says this is despite manufacturers' problems with rising material costs and supply chain issues. "We usually have anywhere from 25 to 50 orders that we're waiting on at all times." Winnebago reporting a record amount of sales - in spite of low inventory.
RVs don't have great gas or diesel miles per gallon and they're both sky high now. Kerbow, says they're still selling a lot. "Whenever gas prices first went up, we saw a little bit of lull. But - people were still coming out and still wanting campers - and still are!"
*An estimated million Americans are living full time and other buyers must be patient as the demand is greater than the supply. Winnebago says they currently have over a 4 billion dollar backlog.
RVs are HOTPhoto: Getty Images