Despite His Claims, Biden Hasn’t Created One Job – Not One

In the aftermath of Joe Biden's big news conference earlier this week, there was a need of a little fact-checking. Unfortunately, when there is anything critical of Democrats, or the Biden administration, there is no fact-checking.

While bragging about good the economy is doing (no joke), Biden also gave himself credit for creating 6.4 million jobs. That is not true.

"This is an important point, there hasn't been one single job added from the 2019 high water mark, not one. All the jobs we have seen gained are recovered jobs that were lost" said economist Nela Richardson on CNBC! That was on one of the Democrats main outlets, not FOX News or Newsmax.

Bottom line is, Biden has not created jobs. There have been jobs that have been refilled coming out of the plandemic, but don't forget we are still millions of jobs -short- due to the 'great resignation' last year, when 4 million workers across the U.S. quit their jobs.

"We see some people coming back to work, but we still have fewer people working today then we did a year and a half ago" said Joel Griffith with the Heritage Foundation.

Two of the main reasons why are Biden's unlawful vaccine mandate, which was thankfully struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as all of the financial incentive that has been given for people not to work.

"Unfortunately, the total number of people working today is millions fewer than pre-pandemic" Griffith told KTRH, "And a lot of this is due to the policies that president Biden supports."

And thanks to the support of the mainstream media, most Americans won't hear these truths.

Like Biden said, the economy is doing great!

President Biden Holds A Press Conference At The White House

Photo: Getty Images

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