Debating The Future Of Debates

There's no debate, 2020 was basically a Biden lovefest, at least from the mainstream media. And now Republicans want to make sure that when the next presidential debates roll around, they're at least fair.

"It's quite clear they've been going more and more to the left" said UH professor and television personality Jacquie Baly, "And if you look at the RNC's complaints specifically, they're talking about things like there should not be a moderator who's tied to the Democrats nominee, or the Democrat party. Well, that clearly has not been happening."

No, it has not. Baly is talking about the CPD, the commission for presidential debates. They are supposed to be unbiased, but as we saw in 2020, that was not the case.

"Whenever you have the organizations committee members outwardly complaining about the Republican nominee, you know things are not gonna go well" Baly told KTRH, "And that's what we've been seeing lately with these forums and debates, that have been sponsored and held by the CPD.

Baly says this is not unprecedented, and there is still a place for debates, if they are conducted fairly.

The RNC plans to officially vote on whether or not to pull out next month in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Donald Trump And Joe Biden Participate In Final Debate Before Presidential Election

Photo: Getty Images

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