We are still 2 weeks away from the 1-year mark for Joe Biden, and according to reports, some Democrats are already looking to replace him in 2024.
"Whenever you have an incredibly unpopular president, and more so an ineffective president" said political commentator Chris Begala, "He couldn't run the cash register at a Taco Bell, and he is the president of the United States."
It is a stunning, almost unprecedented turn of events, considering that the Democrats currently have all the power, in the White House, House, and Senate.
"There is disarray inside the Democrat party" Begala told KTRH, "Of course they're worried, there is a lot of problems there, and you have a lot of in-fighting on the Democrats side."
Which is why the Democrats are now focused on federalizing our elections, which would avoid this years red tsunami, and keep them in power.
But Begala doesn't see that happening.
"They're going to take their mid-term shellacking" Begala said, adding this surprise prediction. "Then in 2023, you're going to see some massive changes, that way they can blame it on Biden, blame it on Harris, and I think you're going to see the Vice President and the President of United States, both resign in 2023."
The countdown has begun.
Photo: Getty Images