'12 Days of Christmas' Gifts are More Expensive than EVER!

You know the tune. You may even know most of the words. BUT - do you know how much more expensive these 12 Gifts are over last year?!? Inflation has hit the 12 days of Christmas!

We asked CPA Bill Dendy for his analysis. "It's what we've seen with everything else! From 5% top 6.2% higher costs! This is the most expensive Christmas EVER!" He says a few items remind him of visits to his grocery store. "Prices of almost all poultry have gone up. Every gift that has a bird in it has higher prices. And everything with precious metal has really gone up as well!" Just for the partridge, turtle doves, hens, birds, geese and swans you'll pay over $13,000 and the golden rings will go for $900.00. "Geese a-laying up 57%. Turtle doves up 50%. French hens up 40.5%!" says Dendy.

Dendy continues: "The other thing that has gone up a lot is anything that has LABOR involved!" That would be your Drummers, Milkers (aka Maids), Lords Leaping, Pipers and Dancers for $25,000. Dendy says the price of labor has really gone up. "To get a Lord to leap is outrageous! It's 12% more than it was last year. Those Lords are just not leaping like they used to." And musicians don't come cheap this year. "With an incentive to not be piping any more --- maybe that's causing the pipers who DO want to pipe to charge a little bit more!"

Overall it's 6% increase from 2020.


Hens at winter

3 French HensPhoto: Getty Images

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