It’s Time to Talk Turkey

Everything costs more this year, and the bird of Thanksgiving is no exception.

For a group of ten expect to pay $53.31, according to the Farm Bureau. Initially prices were up 24% over last year, which was a record low, but that amount has been dropping in recent weeks. Turkey producers say there should be enough to go around.

Dr. David Anderson, a professor and extension economist at Texas A&M says even with prices up a little over 7% now be grateful you’re eating turkey and not steak. “That’s about half what red meats – beef and pork – are up. Those meats are up 14.5%.”

Most of the side dishes will cost more than last year but pretty much in line with the current 6.5% increase of inflation. Dr. Anderson says it depends on your taste. “It’s a mixed bag depending on the type of potatoes you’re looking for, or different squash, for folks that do that.”

Last year’s meal was a steal because most of America was reeling from Covid lockdowns and families couldn’t get together.

This year has much to be thankful for. If you’re looking for savings, grab an extra bag of stuffing. On average, 14 oz. cubed stuffing is down 52 cents from last year.

photo: Getty Images

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