Build Back Better Act Takes Aim At Single-Family Homes

House Democrats will soon try again to pass a massive social spending bill.

Democrats are hoping to pass a 1.75 trillion-dollar measure, also known as the Build Back Better Act. However, critics say the name doesn't fit. In fact, the bill provides grants and tax credits as an incentive for state and local governments to change zoning laws. One that would replace single-family homes with multi-unit properties, all to supposedly provide more affordable housing.

“Everybody at some point moves to that position of wanting a single-family detached home, and that is what the need is,” Charles Blain, President of Urban Reform, said. “That is what people have been asking for, and so providing multi-family housing when they want single-family homes is just unfair to them.”

He adds that if the bill passes, it will result in even more federal spending.

“One of the missteps of this administration is assuming that multi-family development is the way to go. People want single-family homes, and the demand shows that,” Blain explained.

He’s also worried about state and local government officials padding their pockets with taxpayer dollars.

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