Touch Screen Takes on a Whole New Meaning

Technology is in a constant state of flux, and you’ll feel one of the big changes coming.


Touch screens are going to give you the feel of the item. Buying a shirt online? Feel the fabric.

Texas A&M is working on the technology. Dr. Cynthia Hipwell is a professor of mechanical engineering, and is leading her team in developing the new technology. “The first use that’s being developed right now is for the touch screens and control panels in cars,” she tells KTRH News.

Remember back in the old days in your old car to turn on KTRH you would reach over and turn the knob to AM 740? You’re going to be able to do that again. “The first things that it’s capable of doing right now is button, knobs and some different kinds of textures.”

Knobs. They’re making a virtual comeback.

They’re beginning with cars because the control panels that control your car radio take your eyes off the road. And it’s a good place to start.

Coming in the not too distant future, while driving you’ll be able to keep your eyes on the road and reach over and turn on the radio.

We’ll be at AM 740, waiting for you!

photo: Getty Images

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