The FEMA recovery team for Hurricane Ida in Louisiana is actively trying to reach evacuees. They realize many may be staying in Houston area hotels, with friends or even in shelters. FEMA staff is urging them to register now with FEMA! They want you to register by either:
- Calling 1-800 621-3362
- Going to the web site: www.disasterassistance dot gov.
Points to consider:
- Individuals and households who have immediate or critical needs because they are displaced from their primary dwelling may be eligible for the Critical Needs Assistance program, which covers food, water, prescriptions, medical supplies and other life-saving and life-sustaining items. Critical Needs Assistance is a one-time $500 payment per household.
- FEMA’s Transitional Sheltering Assistance, or TSA, program is now available to eligible residents of Louisiana who have been affected by Hurricane Ida. FEMA will identify survivors who may be eligible and have a need for this short-term emergency sheltering program.
- Keep any receipts from hotels stays and submit them when applying for assistance.
Ida Evacuees from Louisiana should register with FEMA now. No matter where they are. Photo: Getty Images