It's time for kids and adults to sign up for 4H. Paige McClellan of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service says it's a big organization. "4H is actually one of the biggest youth programs in the state of Texas. We have over 550,000 kids enrolled each year in Texas." Areas of interest include STEM which has robotics, photography, rocketry and aerospace as well as science, technology, engineering and math. Food and nutrition groups hold a great competition. "They have FOOD SHOW - which is a lot like 'The Great British Baking Show' and also FOOD TALENT which is a lot like 'Chopped.' "
Texas 4H is has something for every kids' interest - and it's sign up time. McClellan works with 4H groups and says the community is here to help kids broaden their horizons. "4H is a great opportunity whether you be involved in the animal aspect - or something like public speaking, Really, no matter what your skill set - 4H is there to help you grow!" Areas of interest range from interior design to public speaking to consumer education to health and personal safety all the way to aeronautics back to agriculture and livestock.
Click here to learn more about the vast variety of all that is 4H. It will also show you how to sign up!
4H has STEM programsPhoto: Dunn, Julie