In yet another, breaking news moment on the Michael Berry show, retired Navy Seal Morgan Luttrell announced that he is running for Congress.
"I'm running for Congress for the same reason that I served in the military" Luttrell said, "For our country, and to defend our constitution. Period."
Luttrell has filed to run in Texas' 8th district, where longtime Representative Kevin Brady from the Woodlands is stepping down after serving 13 consecutive terms.
As Michael Berry pointed, a fresh face and someone like Luttrell is sorely needed in Washington. "I know this game, I've worked in D.C." Luttrell said during the nearly hour long in-studio interview. "I will most certainly not lose sight of where I come from. I think that's the most important quality I have is my humility."
Berry also acknowledged Luttrell's relationship with Donald Trump, which they plan to discuss at another time.