Say Goodbye To America

As the mainstream media and the left get set to usher in their democrat duo, should the rest of us wave goodbye to the America we all know and love? It's sad that we even have to ask the question, let alone consider it. But that's where we are with a little over a week to go until January 20th. Not only was the election stolen, the rigged courts refuse to even look at the evidence. Political analyst Robert Gonzalez told KTRH "All is not lost, but America is reeling and on life support." So how did we get to this point? Ed Brodow attempted to spell it out for American Thinker. Brodow told KTRH, "The sad thing is, the democrats have managed to weasel their way into big tech, wall street, academia, and the media. All these areas are taking the position of the left." And Brodow says they really did so during the previous 8 years, before President Trump. "The real question is, who is behind this negativity and socialism? I've come to the conclusion that it's Barack Obama." And many believe that it is Obama who is still calling the shots behind the scenes ala Biden and Harris. Robert Gonzalez says "it's going to take some champions of freedom to stand forward and make this right. And of course we have to get vertical." Let us hope, and pray.

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