If you haven't seen the video yet, you need to make sure that you do. A stunning reminder that voter fraud is alive and well! And not a 'myth', as the left would like you to believe! Props to Project Veritas for going undercover and exposing a Texas ballot chaser who admits that "it's my job" to change votes from Republican to Democrat, and that she's bringing in at least 7,000 votes, by using gifts and coercion. Neil McCabe, spokesman for Project Veritas told KTRH "Not only does it happen, it's worse than we ever imagined"! In the aftermath of the video, Texas AG Ken Paxton after viewing it himself, has launched an investigation. McCabe says hopefully more people will see it, and do something about it "there's nothing that we showed that wasn't in plain sight, that someone else could have done the investigation. If people were motivated this would have been done already". The woman in the video was fired, and could face charges.