Economists Voice Concern Over Joe Biden’s Proposed Policies

President Trump trails Joe Biden in the latest polls. However, economists are voicing their concern over the former Vice President's policies should he win in November.

Joe Biden’s campaign has made bold proposals on topics like health care, education, and energy. All of them require large amounts of government spending. Chief Economist Vance Ginn at the Texas Public Policy Foundation says Biden’s proposed limitations on fracking is one of many reasons why he thinks businesses would have a tough time if he is elected.

“The use of natural gas being reduced or disincentivized by policies that are supporting renewable energy and things of that nature, I think you are going to do a disservice to Texas, to America, and to the environment overall,” Ginn said.

All this, Ginn added, on top of Biden’s tax increases. He argues more government is not the solution.

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