Democrats are using a fake narrative about the postal service

Democrats want you to think President Trump is killing the postal service. That's simply fake news.

J. Christian Adams of the Public Interest Legal Foundation says Democrats want you to think the postal service has been a finely tuned machine.

"The postal service has been broken for a very long time. It's been suffering under heavy union contracts and other problems," Adams said.

The post office has stated their goal as having a 95% success rate. Adams says that's too much room for error in a Presidential election.

"Five percent in the failure in the last election would mean ten states and 124 electoral votes would have been in the margin of error in the post office," Adams explained.

Democrats also want you to think new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was appointed because he was a Trump donor. But he was unanimously chosen by the USPS Board of Governors for the job.

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