Gun sales jumped 80% in May

Nationally, gun sales surged in May compared to May of 2019. Fears about availability during the pandemic and now riots and looting have Americans concerned about their security.

Michael Cargill owns Austin's Central Texas Gun Works.

"I consider March 13th as D-day when it comes to the pandemic because that was the day that a majority of gun stores sold out of all of their inventory."

This past week Cargill says sales jumped because of unrest.

"A lot of business owners are concerned about rioters and looters and they want to defend themselves and protect their property, so we're seeing a lot of business owners come into the gun store and purchase guns; they want to take a class, they want to be proficient with it, they want to know what the laws are."

Cargill says police are doing the best they can but they're stretched thin and may not be able to respond to your emergency as soon as you'd like.

"It's a really hard time right now for law enforcement; they're doing the best job they possibly can but they're focusing on the protests and looters. It's hard for them to focus on different businesses and homes and things of that nature -- they're spread very thin."

Cargill says in March gun buyers rushed stores and led to an inventory depletion from which they're still working to recover.

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