Going Back to Work Safely

As Houston businesses come back to life, employers are looking for ways to keep their employees safe. Fever is the leading sign of the contagious stage of an infection, so having your temperature taken when you walk into your job may become common. Rik Heller is an expert in the Spread of Infectious Disease and his Texas-based company makes the only hands-free self-service temperature screening device. "The industries and the inquiries we get from Houston are high-employee-count manufacturing and services companies."

School's out: Abbott's orders to gradually reopen Texas economy

The spread of Covid-19 is on Houston employers' minds as they welcome their employees back to the job. :Heller says having your temperature taken as you walk into your job every day should stop the spread of Covid-19 in your company. Heller is the Chairman and CEO of Wello and says his phone is always ringing.

"We are inundated. We are finding that people really care about their employees."

Woman takes taxi back to her re-opened business.

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