MONTGOMERY COUNTY – Montgomery County Public Health District, in conjunction with Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management, is saddened to confirm a 4thdeath in Montgomery County related to COVID-19. He was a man in his 80s, who resided in The Woodlands, but died outside of the State of Texas. This is the first Montgomery County death of a resident who did NOT live in The Conservatory at Alden Bridge. We offer our condolences to his family and friends at this difficult time.
We can also confirm there are now 197 positive cases of COVID-19, up 36 cases from yesterday. We are happy to say 33 of our cases have fully recovered.
We have had a lot of questions surrounding CDC guidelines when it comes to family members of those who are having symptoms and/or those who have been tested. If someone in your household is having symptoms of COVID-19 including cough, fever and/or shortness of breath, your entire household should self-quarantine for 14 days. You should also monitor symptoms of everyone in the household, including twice-daily temperature checks – once in the morning and once in the evening. You can find more details here:
If you and your entire household are well with no symptoms, you should still be staying home and only leaving your home if necessary.
Details on Montgomery County cases can be found here:
Montgomery County Public Health District’s mission is promoting a healthy, resilient community through health education, disease prevention, clinical services, and emergency preparedness. For more information about the Montgomery County Public Health District please go to
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