Bad Sleep Habits are Bad for Business

Businesses are coming to realize that employees with sleep problems can cost them money. Lost performance, bad morale and accidents can be expensive. Menninger Clinic's Sleep Expert Dr. Chester Wu says sleep apnea is prevalent in the U.S. "Some of the new research statistics estimate that 15-20% of all American males have sleep apnea and 10-15% of all females do."

Companies across the country are paying for their employees to be sleep tested and treated if necessary. The Rand Corp researched the practice and found companies quickly saw a decrease in absenteeism and an increase in productivity. Dr. Wu tells KTRH that bad sleep habits can be dangerous to your health. "Consequences include increased risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure. Your mental health can take a beating as well with depression and anxiety - and even suicidality if you're not getting good quality sleep."

Bad sleep habits are bad for business and bad for you. Sleeping well is good for everything about you - and your employer will appreciate it.

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